Budget Reports User Manual Version 2.0 April 2002 FAMIS Services The Texas A&M University System © 2011 The Texas A&M University System – All Rights Reserved Table of Contents (cont’d) Budget Module Reports/Batch Processes FDAR589 – Subsidiary Ledger Budget Report The primary purpose of this program is to produce budget sheets from which departments can develop and submit their next year’s budgets. The program can also be used to review, correct, and submit a revised budget from the previously submitted budget. The program has the option to list the account numbers and / or print budget sheets for either accounts that either can or cannot be budgeted (based on their ‘No Budget’ flags) and / or accounts that have or do not have submitted versions. If the prodcard is blank the program uses the Column Default Table on Screen 856. CC campus code of Member (required) FY fiscal year (required) SL start range for SL (optional, if blank defaults to 100000) SLEND end range for SL (optional, if blank defaults to 999999) OPTION is composed by selection criteria and report(s). Only one selection criteria may be used, but all, some, or one of the reports may be printed (#PM-OPTION = Annnn) Selection Criteria (Annnnn) include: A = all accounts which may be budgeted (default) B = only accounts with a submitted version C = accounts without a submitted version D = accounts with 'No Budget' flag = Y Report Selections (Annnn) include: 1 = Listing of selected accounts (default), run with ‘A’, ‘B’, ‘C’, or ‘D’ 2 = Print budget page for selected accounts, one page per account, run with ‘A’, ‘B’, or ‘C’ 3 = Print budget page with extra blank column for adjustments (to modify existing budget), one page per account, usually run with selection ‘B. This report will include a blank column for entering adjustments as well as a column showing the allocation figures for the submitted version. 4 = Print budget page with blank NEW BUDGET column (to create budget) displays historical (if any) data, one page per account, run with ‘A’ or ‘C’ Example: OPTION=B12 will print an account listing of accounts with a submitted budget and budget page (one page per account) for accounts with a submitted version. OPTION 5 ‘NEGATIVE’ will give only the accounts with at least one negative category. Only valid with Option B2 or B3 Budget Module Reports/Batch Processes (cont’d) OPTION 6 Approval types: B = Board approved D = Board adjusted F = feed to FAMIS accounting C = current TYPE used to give signature line with date when TYPE = ‘S’ SORT1 first sort field (optional). See Dynamic Sort Parameters (FBVLSORT) for list of valid sort fields. VALUE1 value of sort field 1 (SORT1) to include on the report. If blank, all values of SORT1 will be chosen. BREAK1 used to specify whether breaks with subtotals should be performed for value changes of the SORT1 field. ‘Y’ will perform break logic, blank or ‘N’ will not. NEWPAGE1 used to specify whether a page break should occur when the value of the SORT1 field changes. ‘Y’ will cause of page break, blank or ‘N’ will not. SORT2 second sort field (optional). See Dynamic Sort Parameters (FBVLSORT) for list of valid sort fields. VALUE2 value of sort field 2 (SORT2) to include on the report. If blank, all values of SORT2 will be chosen. BREAK2 used to specify whether breaks with subtotals should be performed for value changes of the SORT2 field. ‘Y’ will perform break logic, blank or ‘N’ will not. NEWPAGE2 used to specify whether a page break should occur when the value of the SORT2 field changes. ‘Y’ will cause of page break, blank or ‘N’ will not. SORT3 third sort field (optional). See Dynamic Sort Parameters (FBVLSORT) for list of valid sort fields. VALUE3 value of sort field 3 (SORT3) to include on the report. If blank, all values of SORT3 will be chosen. BREAK3 used to specify whether breaks with subtotals should be performed for value changes of the SORT3 field. ‘Y’ will perform break logic, blank or ‘N’ will not. NEWPAGE3 used to specify whether a page break should occur when the value of the SORT3 field changes. ‘Y’ will cause of page break, blank or ‘N’ will not. SORT4 fourth sort field (optional). See Dynamic Sort Parameters (FBVLSORT) for list of valid sort fields. VALUE4 value of sort field 4 (SORT4) to include on the report. If blank, all values of SORT4 will be chosen. BREAK4 used to specify whether breaks with subtotals should be performed for value changes of the SORT4 field. ‘Y’ will perform break logic, blank or ‘N’ will not. NEWPAGE4 used to specify whether a page break should occur when the value of the SORT4 field changes. ‘Y’ will cause of page break, blank or ‘N’ will not. A prodcard can be used to control the Type, Year, Month, and submitted version (if type is V, submitted version name must be supplied) for columns 1 through 4 on the report. As on screen 589, the columns can be customized to show information from FAMIS Budget (Board approved, Board adjusted, feed to FAMIS account) or FAMIS accounting (actual, original budget, original budget without carry forward, revised budget). These types can be used across the same year or successive years. If no prodcard is provided, the default column settings from Screen 856’s Column Default Table will be used in the report. You can see these on Screens 589/599. (NOTE: When setting up the prodcard, the month specified is the calendar month not the processing month.) Example: FDAR589 ‘Worksheet’ version, SORT1=EXEC-LEVEL, OPTION=B3 FDAR589 TEXAS A&M - COMMERCE 03/11/98 12:24 FY 1999 CC 21 Subsidiary Ledger Budget Report PAGE: 3 Budget Worksheet for Accounts with a Submitted Version Sorted By EXEC-LEVEL AA Acct: 120010 20300 PATTERN: REV - Desc: ART EXP - M TAMU-CEXP Type: Submitted N Orig Bud A Actuals N Orig Bud A Actuals FY/MM: Version Version: 1998 13 1998 13 1997 13 1997 13 Ver: Adjustment CURA Category Acct: 12001020300 12001020300 12001020300 12001020300 ----------------------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- SL Begin Balance _____________ Allocations Alloc In Alloc Out Total Allocation Total Available Expense Salaries _____________ 472,906 471,988 348,436 468,410 532,680 Adjuncts _____________ 44,375 44,375 44,375 GAT _____________ GANT _____________ 13,250 13,250 Term/Hazardous Duty Pay _____________ Wages _____________ 15,738 15,738 7,593 14,515 16,769 Benefits _____________ Operations and Maintenance _____________ 33,270 33,270 23,490 31,686 31,200 Utilities _____________ Scholarships and Fellowships _____________ Debt Service _____________ Total Expense 579,539 578,621 379,519 558,986 580,650 SL Ending Balance -579,539 -578,621 -379,519 -558,986 -580,650 Example: FDAR589 ‘New Budget’ version, SORT1=DEPT, OPTION=C4 FDAR589 TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY SYSTEM 03/12/98 17:17 FY 1999 CC 01 Subsidiary Ledger Budget Report PAGE: 1 Blank Budget Form for All Budgetable Accounts Sorted By DEPT AIAG Acct: 215070 Pattern: REV - Desc: ACADEMIC INSTITUTIONS & AGENCIES EXP - M SAGOEXP Type: New A Actuals N Orig Bud A Actuals A Actuals FY/MM: Budget 1998 2 1998 13 1997 13 1996 13 Ver: Category Acct: 215070 215070 110414 110414 ----------------------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- SL Begin Balance _____________ Allocations Alloc In Alloc Out Total Allocation Total Available Expense Salaries _____________ 109,393 218,788 205,461 130,418 Longevity _____________ 600 1,200 Wages _____________ 2,000 1,351 984 Benefits _____________ 18,895 50,120 Travel _____________ 11,768 10,800 24,159 15,025 Supplies & Materials _____________ 801 4,000 870 3,538 Utilities _____________ Telecommunications _____________ 1,550 3,000 4,219 1,566 Rentals & Leasing _____________ Capital Outlay _____________ 7,053 Total Expense 145,974 295,208 238,183 161,338 SL Ending Balance -145,974 -295,208 -238,183 -161,338 Example: FDAR589 ‘Listing’ version, SORT1=EXEC-LEVEL, OPTION=D1 FDAR589 TEXAS A&M - COMMERCE 03/18/98 15:01 FY 1999 CC 21 Subsidiary Ledger Budget Report PAGE: 1 Listing of Accounts with 'No Budget Flag' = Y Sorted By EXEC-LEVEL AA SL SA Responsible No Budget Submitted account account Description Person Dept Flag Version Print Date Load Account ------- ------- ----------------------------------- -------------------- ----- --------- ---------- ---------- ------------ 132800 20300 FIFTH YEAR ACCOUNTING SCHOLARSHIP CARSON, CARY C ACCT Y 140901 20300 HARRY HARRIS HARRIS, HARRY H GRAD Y 140902 20300 NIGEL NORRIS-OPERATING NORRIS, NIGEL N GRAD Y 140903 20300 JULIE JONES-SARAH SMITH-OPER JONES, JULIE J GRAD Y 140904 20300 SANDY SAENZ-OPERATING SAENZ, SANDY S GRAD Y 140905 20300 DONALDS - OPERATING DONALDS, DON D PHYS Y 140906 20300 MCNOOT-OPERATING MCNOOT, MASON M COSCI Y 147001 20300 97 PROJECT 01 ASHTON SIMMS, SALLY S GRAD Y 147003 20300 97 PROJECT 03 CRANSTON SIMMS, SALLY S GRAD Y 147006 20300 97 PROJECT 06 PRINCE SIMMS, SALLY S GRAD Y 147016 20300 97 PROJECT 16 KOPPE SIMMS, SALLY S GRAD Y 147030 20300 97 PROJECT 30 KERSTON SIMMS, SALLY S GRAD Y 148001 20300 98 PROJECT 01 CASH SIMMS, SALLY S GRAD Y 148002 20300 98 PROJECT 02 KOPPE SIMMS, SALLY S GRAD Y 148003 20300 98 PROJECT 03 HANK HART, ET AL SIMMS, SALLY S GRAD Y 148004 20300 98 PROJECT 04 ARRINGTON SIMMS, SALLY S GRAD Y 148005 20300 98 PROJECT 05 CHOPTU SIMMS, SALLY S GRAD Y 148006 20300 98 PROJECT 06 SUHZ SIMMS, SALLY S GRAD Y 148007 20300 98 PROJECT 07 DUGARTON SIMMS, SALLY S GRAD Y 148008 20300 98 PROJECT 08 BOLTS SIMMS, SALLY S GRAD Y 148009 20300 98 PROJECT 09 ALLSWORTH SIMMS, SALLY S GRAD Y 148010 20300 98 PROJECT 10 CAMPTON SIMMS, SALLY S GRAD Y 148011 20300 98 PROJECT 11 ENGLAND SIMMS, SALLY S GRAD Y 148012 20300 98 PROJECT 12 MUNSON SIMMS, SALLY S GRAD Y 148013 20300 98 PROJECT 13 LEEWARD SIMMS, SALLY S GRAD Y 148014 20300 98 PROJECT 14 LENSTON SIMMS, SALLY S GRAD Y 148015 20300 98 PROJECT 15 MINSTON SIMMS, SALLY S GRAD Y 148016 20300 98 PROJECT 16 PARSONS SIMMS, SALLY S GRAD Y 148017 20300 98 PROJECT 17 ROBERTSON SIMMS, SALLY S GRAD Y 148018 20300 98 PROJECT 18 SARIEL SIMMS, SALLY S GRAD Y 148019 20300 98 PROJECT 19 WALTON SIMMS, SALLY S GRAD Y 148020 20300 98 PROJECT 20 LEEWARD SIMMS, SALLY S GRAD Y 148021 20300 98 PROJECT 21 BYRDWELL SIMMS, SALLY S GRAD Y 148022 20300 98 PROJECT 22 ARINESS SIMMS, SALLY S GRAD Y 148023 20300 98 PROJECT 23 CHALOUR SIMMS, SALLY S GRAD Y Budget Module Reports/Batch Processes (cont’d) FDAR661 – Subsidiary Ledger Budget Report This program displays budgets in either Member or System pattern format. It will list each account’s non-zero revenue and expense categories along with its associated budget dollars. A download option is also available. CURRENTLY, THERE ARE NO SORT OPTIONS AVAILABLE CC campus code of Member (required) FY fiscal year (required) SL start range for SL (optional, if blank defaults to 100000) SLEND end range for SL (optional, if blank defaults to 999999) OPTION indicates roll-up level. Values are ‘MEMBER’, or blank (default). If blank, the pattern used on the version will be used. OPTION2 ‘SUMMARY’ will produce SL Summary Report, ‘DETAIL’ will produce SL Detail Report, and ‘BOTH’ or blank (default) will produce the SL Summary and SL Detail Reports. OPTION5 ‘NEGATIVE’ prints accounts with a negative balance OPTION6 Approval types: B = Board approved D = Board adjusted F = feed to FAMIS account C = current DOWNLOAD ‘Y’ will produce a comma delimited download file of the data selected. The data included in the download is: • CC (A2) • FY (A4) • SORT1 (A20) • SORT2 (A20) • SORT3 (A20) • SORT4 (A20) • ACCT-6 (A6) • ACCT-DESC (A35) • BEG-BAL (A11) • REVENUE (A11) • NET-TRANSFER (A11) • NET-ALLOCATION (A11) • EXPEND (A11) • END-BAL (A11) Budget Module Reports/Batch Processes (cont’d) 2 #DR-SORT-ORDER (A1) 2 #DR-TEMP-PATT-LEVEL (A1) 2 #DR-QUOTE3 (A3) INIT 2 #DR-TEMP-PATT-REV-EXP (A1) 2 #DR-QUOTE4 (A3) INIT 2 #DR-TEMP-PATT-DEPT (A5) 2 #DR-QUOTE5 (A3) INIT 2 #DR-TEMP-PATT-SUB-DEPT (A5) 2 #DR-QUOTE6 (A3) INIT 2 #DR-TEMP-PATT-NAME (A10) 2 #DR-QUOTE7 (A3) INIT 2 #DR-TEMP-PATT-ABR (A3) 2 #DR-QUOTE8 (A3) INIT 2 #DR-TEMP-PATT-DESC (A40) 2 #DR-QUOTE9 (A3) INIT 2 #DR-TEMP-ACCT (A11) 2 #DR-QUOTE10 (A3) INIT 2 #DR-ROLLUP-BSN (A3) 2 #DR-QUOTE11 (A3) INIT 2 #DR-DESC (A40) 2 #DR-SUBMITTED-PATTERN (A172) 2 REDEFINE #DR-SUBMITTED-PATTERN 3 #DR-SUB-PATT (2) 4 #DR-QUOTE12 (A3) 4 #DR-SUB-PATT-LEVEL (A1) 4 #DR-QUOTE13 (A3) 4 #DR-SUB-PATT-REV-EXP (A1) 4 #DR-QUOTE14 (A3) 4 #DR-SUB-PATT-DEPT (A5) 4 #DR-QUOTE15 (A3) 4 #DR-SUB-PATT-SUB-DEPT (A5) 4 #DR-QUOTE16 (A3) 4 #DR-SUB-PATT-NAME (A10) 4 #DR-QUOTE17 (A3) 4 #DR-SUB-PATT-ABR (A3) 4 #DR-QUOTE18 (A3) 4 #DR-SUB-PATT-DESC (A40) 2 #DR-MEMBER-PATTERN (A172) 2 REDEFINE #DR-MEMBER-PATTERN 3 #DR-MBR-PATT (2) 4 #DR-QUOTE19 (A3) 4 #DR-MBR-PATT-LEVEL (A1) 4 #DR-QUOTE20 (A3) 4 #DR-MBR-PATT-REV-EXP (A1) 4 #DR-QUOTE21 (A3) 4 #DR-MBR-PATT-DEPT (A5) 4 #DR-QUOTE22 (A3) 4 #DR-MBR-PATT-SUB-DEPT (A5) 4 #DR-QUOTE23 (A3) 4 #DR-MBR-PATT-NAME (A10) 4 #DR-QUOTE24 (A3) 4 #DR-MBR-PATT-ABR (A3) 4 #DR-QUOTE25 (A3) 4 #DR-MBR-PATT-DESC (A40) 2 #DR-SYSTEM-PATTERN (A172) 2 REDEFINE #DR-SYSTEM-PATTERN 3 #DR-SYS-PATT (2) Budget Module Reports/Batch Processes (cont’d) 4 #DR-QUOTE26 (A3) 4 #DR-SYS-PATT-LEVEL (A1) 4 #DR-QUOTE27 (A3) 4 #DR-SYS-PATT-REV-EXP (A1) 4 #DR-QUOTE28 (A3) 4 #DR-SYS-PATT-DEPT (A5) 4 #DR-QUOTE29 (A3) 4 #DR-SYS-PATT-SUB-DEPT (A5) 4 #DR-QUOTE30 (A3) 4 #DR-SYS-PATT-NAME (A10) 4 #DR-QUOTE31 (A3) 4 #DR-SYS-PATT-ABR (A3) 4 #DR-QUOTE32 (A3) 4 #DR-SYS-PATT-DESC (A40) 2 #DR-QUOTE33 (A3) INIT 2 #DR-SUBMITTED-VERSION (A10) 2 #DR-QUOTE34 (A3) INIT 2 #DR-BA-ACCT (A11) 2 #DR-QUOTE35 (A3) INIT 2 #DR-PATT-INDEX (A2) 2 #DR-QUOTE36 (A3) INIT 2 #DR-I (A3) 2 #DR-DOLLAR-FIELDS (A75) 2 REDEFINE #DR-DOLLAR-FIELDS 3 #DR-DOLLARS (5) 4 #DR-QUOTE37 (A3) 4 #DR-TEMP-DOLLARS (A12) 2 #DR-QUOTE38 (A3) INIT 2 #DR-BSN (A3) 2 #DR-QUOTE39 (A3) INIT 2 #DR-CATEGORY (A35) 2 #DR-QUOTE40 (A1) INIT Example: To request a detailed report of SLs 100000-599999 by Member pattern categories, the parameters would be: CC=nn,FY=1999,SL=100000,SLEND=599999,OPTION=MEMBER,OPTION2=DETAIL,OPTION6=C Budget Module Reports/Batch Processes (cont’d) FDAR661 TEXAS A&M - COMMERCE 03/18/98 16:32 FY 1999 CC 21 Subsidiary Ledger Budget Report PAGE: 12 'Member' Account Detail by Category Expense Pattern: TAMU-CEXP ABR: 001 Desc: TAMU-COMMERCE EXPENSES Account Version Description New Budget N 1998 A 1998 N 1997 A 1997 ------------ ---------- ----------------------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- 120010-20300 CURA ART Salaries 472,906 471,988 405,821 468,410 532,680 Adjuncts 44,375 44,375 44,375 GANT 13,250 13,250 Wages 15,738 15,738 8,331 14,515 16,769 Operations and Main 33,270 33,270 23,952 31,686 31,200 Total Expense 579,539 578,621 438,104 558,986 580,649 120010-20301 CURA ART-EQUIPMENT REPAIR Operations and Main 7,350 7,350 3,853 7,000 5,000 Total Expense 7,350 7,350 3,853 7,000 5,000 120030-20300 CURA COMMUNICATION & THEATRE Salaries 383,733 382,997 292,456 396,607 469,277 GANT 39,750 39,750 Wages 11,841 11,841 6,486 10,921 11,906 Operations and Main 18,444 18,444 10,201 17,566 17,581 Total Expense 453,768 453,032 309,143 425,094 498,764 120080-20300 CURA HISTORY Salaries 361,493 358,993 294,858 376,321 417,625 Adjuncts 3,750 3,750 13,125 GAT 19,875 19,875 Operations and Main 10,675 10,675 5,613 10,167 10,739 Total Expense 395,793 393,293 300,471 399,613 428,364 120100-20300 CURA JOURNALISM & PRINTING Salaries 187,790 187,583 141,549 186,573 204,801 GANT 6,625 6,625 Wages 3,253 3,253 2,443 3,000 2,771 Operations and Main 11,076 11,076 5,781 10,549 10,547 Total Expense 208,744 208,537 149,773 200,122 218,119 120120-20300 CURA LITERATURE & LANGUAGES Salaries 1,016,844 1,042,039 832,329 1,090,407 1,165,202 Adjuncts 6,375 6,375 6,375 GAT 55,650 55,650 Wages 11,025 11,025 5,719 10,168 9,125 Operations and Main 26,933 26,933 14,931 25,650 29,494 Total Expense 1,116,827 1,142,022 852,979 1,132,600 1,203,821 FDAR661 TEXAS A&M - COMMERCE 03/18/98 16:32 FY 1999 CC 21 Subsidiary Ledger Budget Report PAGE: 38 'Member' Account Detail by Category Expense Pattern: TAMU-CEXP ABR: 001 Desc: TAMU-COMMERCE EXPENSES Account Version Description New Budget N 1998 A 1998 N 1997 A 1997 ------------ ---------- ----------------------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ****** Pattern Total ****** TAMU-CEXP TAMU-COMMERCE EXPENSES Salaries 21,978,167 22,040,481 15,609,350 21,592,965 22,731,901 Adjuncts 2,188,310 2,188,310 2,072,935 GAT 324,355 324,355 GANT 780,315 780,315 Term/Hazardous Duty 27,747 57,783 Wages 698,797 698,797 356,510 564,966 615,010 Benefits 7,283,286 7,283,286 399,320 18,405 41,426 Operations and Main 8,936,660 8,930,835 2,399,737 6,745,218 3,793,890 Utilities 941,810 1,642,959 Scholarships and Fe 36,960 1,252 Total Expense 42,189,890 42,246,379 19,771,434 30,994,489 28,884,221 FDAR662 – General Ledger Budget Report This report will print budget information for GLs. It can produce a detail report, summary report, or both. A download option is also available. The detail report lists one line per GL account. The summary report prints only the totals based on the sort criteria. The columns displayed by account are: Beginning Balance, Revenues, Net Transfers, Net Allocations, Expenditures, and Ending Balance. CC campus code of Member (required) FY fiscal year (required) GL start range for GL (optional, if blank defaults to 000000) GLEND end range for GL (optional, if blank defaults to 099999) GLDELETE If ‘Y’, will not print accounts whose delete flag is set to ‘Y’. Blank (default) will ignore the delete flag and list all accounts. SUPPRESS If ‘Y’, accounts with all zeros will not be listed. Blank (default) will print all accounts. OPTION ‘SUMMARY’ will produce GL Summary Report, ‘DETAIL’ will produce GL Detail Report, and ‘BOTH’ or blank (default) will produce the GL Summary and GL Detail Reports. If no sorts are requested, no summaries will be produced. OPTION2 ‘DOWNLOAD’ will produce a comma delimited download file of the data selected. The data included in the download is: • CC (A2) • FY (A4) • SORT1 (A20) • SORT2 (A20) • SORT3 (A20) • SORT4 (A20) • ACCT-6 (A6) • ACCT-DESC (A35) • BEG-BAL (A11) • REVENUE (A11) • NET-TRANSFER (A11) • NET-ALLOCATION (A11) • EXPEND (A11) • END-BAL (A11) OPTION3 ‘MULTI’ processes more than one campus code in work file (Blank) processes only current campus code OPTION6 Approval types: B = Board approved D = Board adjusted F = feed to FAMIS account C = current SORT1 first sort field (optional). See Dynamic Sort Parameters (FBVLSORT) for list of valid sort fields. VALUE1 value of sort field 1 (SORT1) to include on the report. If blank, all values of SORT1 will be chosen. BREAK1 used to specify whether breaks with subtotals should be performed for value changes of the SORT1 field. ‘Y’ will perform break logic, blank or ‘N’ will not. NEWPAGE1 used to specify whether a page break should occur when the value of the SORT1 field changes. ‘Y’ will cause of page break, blank or ‘N’ will not. SORT 2 second sort field (optional). See Dynamic Sort Parameters (FBVLSORT) for list of valid sort fields. VALUE2 value of sort field 2 (SORT2) to include on the report. If blank, all values of SORT2 will be chosen. BREAK2 used to specify whether breaks with subtotals should be performed for value changes of the SORT2 field. ‘Y’ will perform break logic, blank or ‘N’ will not. NEWPAGE2 used to specify whether a page break should occur when the value of the SORT2 field changes. ‘Y’ will cause of page break, blank or ‘N’ will not. SORT3 third sort field (optional). See Dynamic Sort Parameters (FBVLSORT) for list of valid sort fields. VALUE3 value of sort field 3 (SORT3) to include on the report. If blank, all values of SORT3 will be chosen. BREAK3 used to specify whether breaks with subtotals should be performed for value changes of the SORT3 field. ‘Y’ will perform break logic, blank or ‘N’ will not. NEWPAGE3 used to specify whether a page break should occur when the value of the SORT3 field changes. ‘Y’ will cause of page break, blank or ‘N’ will not. SORT4 fourth sort field (optional). See Dynamic Sort Parameters (FBVLSORT) for list of valid sort fields. VALUE4 value of sort field 4 (SORT4) to include on the report. If blank, all values of SORT4 will be chosen. BREAK4 used to specify whether breaks with subtotals should be performed for value changes of the SORT4 field. ‘Y’ will perform break logic, blank or ‘N’ will not. NEWPAGE4 used to specify whether a page break should occur when the value of the SORT4 field changes. ‘Y’ will cause of page break, blank or ‘N’ will not. Prodcards should be used to define account ranges for which additional subtotals should be produced. These prodcard breaks will cause subtotals to print in addition to SORT1, SORT2, etc. fields. These prodcards work best when used with a primary sort that is broad, for example, executive level, college, ledger, account. The prodcard layout is: • LEVEL 1 character – break level - level 1 breaks are done before level 2 breaks, etc. • ACCTLO 6 characters – starting account in the range • ACCTHI 6 characters – ending account in the range • DESCRIPTION 35 characters – description to be printed for the break Example: To request a detailed GL Budget report (one line per GL) for GLs in the 000000-099999 range, the parameters would be: PGM=FDAR662,CC=nn,FY=1999,GL=000000,GLEND=099999,OPTION=DETAIL, SUPPRESS=Y,SORT1=,VALUE1=,BREAK1=Y,NEWPAGE1=N, OPTION6=C,SORT2=,VALUE2=,BREAK2=Y,NEWPAGE2=N, SORT3=,VALUE3=,BREAK3=Y,NEWPAGE3=N, SORT4=,VALUE4=,BREAK4=Y,NEWPAGE4=N Example Prodcards: 1 000000 009999 NN Clearing Accounts 1 010000 019999 NN Functional and General 1 020000 021599 NN Designated Budget 1 021600 021600 NN Designated Bond Revenue 1 022000 022999 NN Designated GEB 1 027000 028999 NN Designated Service Dept. 1 029000 029999 NN Designated Other 1 020000 029999 NN Designated 1 030000 032999 NN Auxiliary Enterprises 1 033000 039999 NN Auxiliary Student Services 2 030000 039999 NN Auxiliary 3 010000 039999 NN Current Unrestricted 1 040000 049999 NN Contracts and Grants 1 050000 059999 NN Misc. Restricted 1 060000 069999 NN Scholarships 2 040000 069999 NN Total Restricted 1 070000 073999 NN Loans 1 074000 078999 NN Endowments 1 079000 079999 NN Annuity and Life 1 080000 082999 NN Plant-Approp. 1 083000 086999 NN Plant-Unapprop 1 088000 088999 NN Plant-Retirement of Indebtedness 1 089000 089999 NN Plant-Investment in Plant 2 080000 089999 NN Total Plant Example: FDAR662, no sort, prodcard breaks were used FDAR662 TEXAS A&M - COMMERCE 03/11/98 12:04 FY 1999 CC 21 General Ledger Budget Report PAGE: 1 Account Detail Sorted By Account Beginning Net Net Ending Account Description Balance Revenues Transfers Allocations Expenditures Balance ------- --------------------------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- 012000 DOE/FACULTY SALARIES/ACAD&RESEARC 0 0 0 0 17,948,404 17,948,404 013000 INSTRUCTIONAL ADMINISTRATION 0 0 0 0 1,279,623 1,279,623 013200 LIBRARY 0 0 0 0 1,175,123 1,175,123 013210 ORGANIZED ACTIVITIES 0 0 0 0 230,986 230,986 015000 EDUCATIONAL CONSORTIUM 0 0 0 0 250,480 250,480 015100 EXTENSION AND PUBLIC SERVICE 0 0 0 0 278,783 278,783 016000 INSTITUTIONAL SUPPORT 0 0 0 0 3,779,182 3,779,182 016600 STUDENT SERVICES 0 0 0 0 1,634,578 1,634,578 017000 GROUP INSURANCE PREMIUMS 0 0 0 0 735,000 735,000 017100 LOCAL WORKERS COMP-INSTRUCTION 0 0 0 0 126,658 126,658 017600 FUND 001 RETIREMENT & UCI 0 0 0 0 1,209,745 1,209,745 017700 LONGEVITY 0 0 0 0 131,316 131,316 017800 FUND 001 OASI 0 0 0 0 1,291,908 1,291,908 017900 FUND 001 GIP 0 0 0 0 2,258,389 2,258,389 018000 PLANT SUPPORT SERVICES 0 0 0 0 440,487 440,487 018010 BUILDING MAINTENANCE 0 0 0 0 686,770 686,770 018020 CUSTODIAL SERVICES 0 0 0 0 858,793 858,793 018030 GROUNDS MAINTENANCE 0 0 0 0 409,776 409,776 018050 UTILITIES 0 0 0 0 1,985,382 1,985,382 018500 HEAF BUDGETS 0 0 0 0 3,256,620 3,256,620 019600 E&G REMISSIONS & EXEMPTIONS 0 -860,893 0 0 860,893 0 019989 RESERVES - REVENUE GENERAL BUDGET 0 -30,000 0 0 30,000 0 Functional and General 0 -890,893 0 0 42,775,783 41,884,890 021000 DESIGNATED REGENTS-OTHER 0 -6,249,666 0 0 2,907,178 -3,342,488 021002 RESERVES - REV GENERAL BUDGET/DES 0 0 0 0 40,000 40,000 027160 PRINTING SERVICES 0 -470,098 0 0 542,058 71,960 027201 TELEPHONE OPERATIONS 0 -307,524 0 0 307,524 0 Designated 0 -14,054,576 0 0 7,593,520 -6,461,056 030000 AUXILIARY OPERATING 0 -7,729,493 0 0 7,664,776 -64,717 030002 RES REV GENERAL BUDGET/AUXILIARY 0 0 0 0 235,000 235,000 033000 STUDENT SERVICES FEES 0 -2,000,884 0 0 2,077,606 76,722 Auxiliary 0 -9,730,377 0 0 9,977,382 247,005 Current Unrestricted 0 -17,648,558 0 0 56,549,925 38,901,367 FDAR663 – Subsidiary Ledger Budget Report This report will print budget information for SLs. It can produce a detail report, summary report, or both. A download option is also available. The detail report lists one line per SL account. The summary report prints only the totals based on the sort criteria. The columns displayed by account are: Beginning Balance, Revenues, Net Allocations, Expenditures, and Ending Balance. CC campus code of Member (required) FY fiscal year (required) SL start range for SL (optional, if blank defaults to 100000) SLEND end range for SL (optional, if blank defaults to 999999) SUPPRESS If ‘Y’, accounts with all zeros will not be listed. Blank (default) will print all accounts. OPTION ‘SUMMARY’ will produce SL Summary Report, ‘DETAIL’ will produce SL Detail Report, and ‘BOTH’ or blank (default) will produce the SL Summary and SL Detail Reports. If no sorts are requested, no summaries will be produced. OPTION2 ‘DOWNLOAD’ will produce a comma delimited download file of the data selected. The data included in the download is: • CC (A2) • FY (A4) • SORT1 (A20) • SORT2 (A20) • SORT3 (A20) • SORT4 (A20) • ACCT-6 (A6) • ACCT-5 (A5) • ACCT-DESC (A35) • BEG-BAL (A11) • REVENUE (A11) • NET-ALLOCATION (A11) • EXPEND (A11) • END-BAL (A11) OPTION3 ‘MULTI’ processes more than one campus code in process (Blank) processes only current campus code OPTION4 (Blank) - all budgeted accounts based on approval types ‘FEED’ - all accounts set to feed to FAMIS accounts ‘NOFEED’ - all accounts flagged with no feed = ‘Y’ and GEB accounts OPTION5 ‘NEGATIVE’ - all accounts with a negative balance ‘BLANK’ - shows all accounts ‘NEGATIVE’ – all accounts with negative balance available ‘ZERO’ – all accounts with nonzero balance available (Example: use to check allocations for Functional and General Funds) OPTION6 Approval types: B = Board approved D = Board adjusted F = feed to FAMIS account C = current (must be submitted) SORT1 first sort field (optional). See Dynamic Sort Parameters (FBVLSORT) for list of valid sort fields. VALUE1 value of sort field 1 (SORT1) to include on the report. If blank, all values of SORT1 will be chosen. BREAK1 used to specify whether breaks with subtotals should be performed for value changes of the SORT1 field. ‘Y’ will perform break logic, blank or ‘N’ will not. NEWPAGE1 used to specify whether a page break should occur when the value of the SORT1 field changes. ‘Y’ will cause of page break, blank or ‘N’ will not. SORT2 second sort field (optional). See Dynamic Sort Parameters (FBVLSORT) for list of valid sort fields. VALUE2 value of sort field 2 (SORT2) to include on the report. If blank, all values of SORT2 will be chosen. BREAK2 used to specify whether breaks with subtotals should be performed for value changes of the SORT2 field. ‘Y’ will perform break logic, blank or ‘N’ will not. NEWPAGE2 used to specify whether a page break should occur when the value of the SORT2 field changes. ‘Y’ will cause of page break, blank or ‘N’ will not. SORT3 third sort field (optional). See Dynamic Sort Parameters (FBVLSORT) for list of valid sort fields. VALUE3 value of sort field 3 (SORT3) to include on the report. If blank, all values of SORT3 will be chosen. BREAK3 used to specify whether breaks with subtotals should be performed for value changes of the SORT3 field. ‘Y’ will perform break logic, blank or ‘N’ will not. NEWPAGE3 used to specify whether a page break should occur when the value of the SORT3 field changes. ‘Y’ will cause of page break, blank or ‘N’ will not. SORT4 fourth sort field (optional). See Dynamic Sort Parameters (FBVLSORT) for list of valid sort fields. VALUE4 value of sort field 4 (SORT4) to include on the report. If blank, all values of SORT4 will be chosen. BREAK4 used to specify whether breaks with subtotals should be performed for value changes of the SORT4 field. ‘Y’ will perform break logic, blank or ‘N’ will not. NEWPAGE4 used to specify whether a page break should occur when the value of the SORT4 field changes. ‘Y’ will cause of page break, blank or ‘N’ will not. Prodcards should be used to define account ranges for which additional subtotals should be produced. These prodcard breaks will cause subtotals to print in addition to SORT1, SORT2, etc. fields. These prodcards work best when used with a primary sort that is broad, for example, executive level, college, ledger, account. The prodcard layout is: • LEVEL 1 character – break level - level 1 breaks are done before level 2 breaks, etc. • ACCTLO 6 characters – starting account in the range • ACCTHI 6 characters – ending account in the range • DESCRIPTION 35 characters – description to be printed for the break Example: To request a detailed SL Budget report (one line per SL) for SLs in the 100000-999999 range, the parameters would be: PGM=FDAR663,CC=nn,FY=1999,SL=100000,SLEND=999999,OPTION=DETAIL, SUPPRESS=Y,SORT1=,VALUE1=,BREAK1=Y,NEWPAGE1=N, OPTION6=C,SORT2=,VALUE2=,BREAK2=Y,NEWPAGE2=N, SORT3=,VALUE3=,BREAK3=Y,NEWPAGE3=N, SORT4=,VALUE4=,BREAK4=Y,NEWPAGE4=N Example Prodcards: 1 100000 119000 NN E&G Revenue 1 120000 129999 NN Instruction 1 130000 132199 NN Academic Support 1 132300 132499 NN Work Study - Matching 1 132500 132599 NN Doctoral Fellowship 1 132600 132699 NN Remedial Education 1 132700 132799 NN License Plate Scholarship Fund 1 132800 139999 NN Fifth Year Accounting Scholarship 1 140000 149999 NN Research Enhancement 1 150000 150019 NN Northeast Texas Partnership 1 150020 159999 NN Northeast Texas Initiative 1 160000 165999 NN Institutional Support 1 166000 169999 NN Student Services 1 151050 151050 NN Economic Development 1 151051 159999 NN Ext & Corr-Longevity 1 160000 165999 NN Institutional Support 1 166000 169999 NN Student Services 1 170000 179999 NN Benefits 1 180000 184999 NN Plant Operation & Maintenance 1 185000 196899 NN HEAF 1 196900 199999 NN Misc 2 120000 199999 NN E&G Expenditures 3 100000 199999 NN Total E&G 1 200000 215999 NN Designated Budget 1 216000 216000 NN Designated Bond Revenue Fund 1 220000 229999 NN Designated GEB 1 270000 299999 NN Designated Service Departments 2 200000 299999 NN Total Designated 1 300000 329999 NN Auxiliary Enterprises 1 330000 339999 NN Auxiliary Student Services 2 300000 399999 NN Total Auxiliary 1 500000 599999 NN Restricted Budgets 1 800000 809999 NN Plant State 1 810000 819999 NN Plant Local 2 800000 819999 NN Total Plant Example: FDAR663, SORT1=EXEC-LEVEL, SORT2=FUND-GROUP, OPTION=BOTH, Prodcard breaks were used. A summary page can be generated when 1 or more sorts are used. FDAR663 TEXAS A&M - COMMERCE 03/13/98 17:12 FY 1999 CC 21 Subsidiary Ledger Budget Report PAGE: 1 Account Summary Sorted by EXEC-LEVEL ~ FUND-GROUP Beginning Net Ending Summary Balance Revenues Allocations Expenditures Balance ----------------------------------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- EXEC-LEVEL Not Specified AX 0 0 0 30,000 -30,000 Total for EXEC-LEVEL Not Specified 0 0 0 30,000 -30,000 EXEC-LEVEL AA AX 0 197,429 0 1,336,883 -1,139,454 DS 0 220,112 0 585,188 -365,076 FG 0 0 0 23,529,618 -23,529,618 Total for EXEC-LEVEL AA 0 417,541 0 25,451,689 -25,034,148 EXEC-LEVEL FA AX 0 5,651,039 0 4,308,158 1,342,881 DS 0 6,626,582 0 2,412,027 4,214,555 FG 0 860,893 0 16,319,355 -15,458,462 Total for EXEC-LEVEL FA 0 13,138,514 0 23,039,540 -9,901,026 EXEC-LEVEL PR AX 0 0 0 116,676 -116,676 DS 0 0 0 230,636 -230,636 FG 0 0 0 666,759 -666,759 Total for EXEC-LEVEL PR 0 0 0 1,014,071 -1,014,071 EXEC-LEVEL SS AX 0 3,881,909 0 4,185,665 -303,756 DS 0 180,594 0 568,909 -388,315 FG 0 0 0 2,260,051 -2,260,051 Total for EXEC-LEVEL SS 0 4,062,503 0 7,014,625 -2,952,122 Grand total 0 17,618,558 0 56,549,925 -38,931,367 FDAR663 TEXAS A&M - COMMERCE 03/13/98 17:12 FY 1999 CC 21 Subsidiary Ledger Budget Report PAGE: 1 Account Detail EXEC-LEVEL Not Specified ~ FUND-GROUP AX SL SA Beginning Net Ending Account Account Description Balance Revenues Allocations Expenditures Balance ------- ------- --------------------------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- 310010 20301 CAFETERIA & SNACK BAR-REPAIR 0 0 0 30,000 -30,000 Auxiliary Enterprises 0 0 0 30,000 -30,000 Total Auxiliary 0 0 0 30,000 -30,000 Total for FUND-GROUP AX 0 0 0 30,000 -30,000 Total for EXEC-LEVEL Not Specified 0 0 0 30,000 -30,000 FDAR663 TEXAS A&M - COMMERCE 03/13/98 17:12 FY 1999 CC 21 Subsidiary Ledger Budget Report PAGE: 2 Account Detail EXEC-LEVEL AA ~ FUND-GROUP AX SL SA Beginning Net Ending Account Account Description Balance Revenues Allocations Expenditures Balance ------- ------- --------------------------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- 300001 20300 ATHLETICS 0 0 0 467,652 -467,652 300001 20301 LONE STAR CONFERENCE 0 0 0 1,900 -1,900 300001 20330 PROGRAMS & CONCESSIONS 0 46,000 0 30,000 16,000 300001 20331 CONTRACTS & SALE OF ADMISSIONS 0 47,000 0 0 47,000 300001 20600 NEW YEAR EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 78,000 -78,000 320500 20300 EAST TEXAN 0 24,000 0 24,000 0 321302 20300 MUSIC SUMMER CAMPS 0 80,429 0 80,936 -507 Auxiliary Enterprises 0 197,429 0 682,488 -485,059 330020 20100 ATH SCHOLARSHIPS 0 0 0 550,744 -550,744 330400 20300 DOCTORAL STUDENT ASSOCIATION 0 0 0 4,000 -4,000 330500 20300 EAST TEXAN 0 0 0 27,668 -27,668 330501 20300 ETSU SPECIALS 0 0 0 11,699 -11,699 330701 20300 GUEST ARTIST 0 0 0 5,000 -5,000 Auxiliary Student Services 0 0 0 654,395 -654,395 Total Auxiliary 0 197,429 0 1,336,883 -1,139,454 Total for FUND-GROUP AX 0 197,429 0 1,336,883 -1,139,454 FDAR664 – Direct Transfer/Allocation Transaction Report This program will report by GL, SL, or SL/SA the DIRECT transfers / allocations transactions entered on Screens 560-563. The implied transfers / allocations resulting from the Screen 560-563 transactions are NOT shown on this report (see FDAR665). Accounts entered on the transactions (both the ‘TO’ and ‘FROM’ accounts) are displayed down the left-hand side of the report. The columns displayed by account are: From CC, From Account, From Account Title, To CC, To Account, To Account Title, Feed Flag, Mandatory Flag, Transaction Description, and Amount. CC campus code of Member (required) FY fiscal year (required) ACCT start range for GL/SL (optional, if blank defaults to 000000) ACCTEND end range for GL/SL (optional, if blank defaults to 999999) OPTION ‘DOWNLOAD’ creates a downloadable file (Blank) no file created (default) OPTION3 ‘MULTI’ processes multiple campus codes (Blank) processes only current campus OPTION6 Approval types: B = Board approved D = Board adjusted F = feed to FAMIS account C = current SORT1 first sort field (optional). See Dynamic Sort Parameters (FBVLSORT) for list of valid sort fields. VALUE1 value of sort field 1 (SORT1) to include on the report. If blank, all values of SORT1 will be chosen. BREAK1 used to specify whether breaks with subtotals should be performed for value changes of the SORT1 field. ‘Y’ will perform break logic, blank or ‘N’ will not. NEWPAGE1 used to specify whether a page break should occur when the value of the SORT1 field changes. ‘Y’ will cause of page break, blank or ‘N’ will not. SORT2 second sort field (optional). See Dynamic Sort Parameters (FBVLSORT) for list of valid sort fields. VALUE2 value of sort field 2 (SORT2) to include on the report. If blank, all values of SORT2 will be chosen. BREAK2 used to specify whether breaks with subtotals should be performed for value changes of the SORT2 field. ‘Y’ will perform break logic, blank or ‘N’ will not. NEWPAGE2 used to specify whether a page break should occur when the value of the SORT2 field changes. ‘Y’ will cause of page break, blank or ‘N’ will not. SORT3 third sort field (optional). See Dynamic Sort Parameters (FBVLSORT) for list of valid sort fields. VALUE3 value of sort field 3 (SORT3) to include on the report. If blank, all values of SORT3 will be chosen. BREAK3 used to specify whether breaks with subtotals should be performed for value changes of the SORT3 field. ‘Y’ will perform break logic, blank or ‘N’ will not. NEWPAGE3 used to specify whether a page break should occur when the value of the SORT3 field changes. ‘Y’ will cause of page break, blank or ‘N’ will not. SORT4 fourth sort field (optional). See Dynamic Sort Parameters (FBVLSORT) for list of valid sort fields. VALUE4 value of sort field 4 (SORT4) to include on the report. If blank, all values of SORT4 will be chosen. BREAK4 used to specify whether breaks with subtotals should be performed for value changes of the SORT4 field. ‘Y’ will perform break logic, blank or ‘N’ will not. NEWPAGE4 used to specify whether a page break should occur when the value of the SORT4 field changes. ‘Y’ will cause of page break, blank or ‘N’ will not. Example: To request a detail transfer / allocation transaction report showing all accounts for which direct transactions have been made, , the parameters would be: PGM=FDAR664,CC=nn,FY=1999,ACCT=000000,ACCTEND=999999, GLDELETE=,SUPPRESS=,OPTION6=C, SORT1=,VALUE1=,BREAK1=,NEWPAGE1=N, SORT2=,VALUE2=,BREAK2=Y,NEWPAGE2=N, SORT3=,VALUE3=,BREAK3=Y,NEWPAGE3=N, SORT4=,VALUE4=,BREAK4=Y,NEWPAGE4=N Example: FDAR664 , SORT1= DEPT FDAR664 TEST DEFAULT CAMPUS 03/26/98 11:42 FY 1998 CC AB Direct Transfer / Allocation Transaction Report PAGE: 1 Sorted By DEPT From From To To Transaction Feed Mand Account CC Account CC Account Description Fg Fg Amount ------------ ---- ------------ -- ------------ ----------------------------------- ---- ---- ----------------- DEPT Not Specified 000405 AB 344444 AB 000405 SL TO GL 000405 Y 1.00 000500 AB 344444 AB 000500 SL TO GL 000500 Y 1.00 Total for DEPT Not Specified 2.00 DEPT ACCN 001000 AB 344444 AB 001000 SL TO GL 001000 Y 1.00 Total for DEPT ACCN 1.00 DEPT AGCO 034444 AB 034444 AB 034600 GL TO ANOTHER GL 034600 Y 2.00 AB 034444 AB 344441-00001 Y 100.00 AB 034444 AB 344441-00002 Y 100.00 AB 344441-00001 AB 034444 Y 310.00 AB 455555 AB 034444 SL TO GL 034444 Y 330.00 Total for DEPT AGCO 842.00 DEPT FISC 033000 AB 030000 AB 033000 SAM TO SCOTT Y 1.00 AB 033000 AB 030000 Y 2.00 AB 033000 AB 330007 Y 7.00 040000 AB 030000 AB 040000 JOE TO BOB Y 1.00 Total for DEPT FISC 11.00 DEPT INSS 045555 AB 045555 AB 344441-00002 Y 13,000.00 AB 344441-00001 AB 045555 Y 320.00 AB 455555 AB 045555 SL TO GL ACCOUNT 045555 Y 340.00 Total for DEPT INSS 13,660.00 Grand total 14,516.00 FDAR665 – Direct and Implied Transfers/Allocations This report will detail and summarize the transfers and allocations which are shown on Screen 589/599. It is different from FDAR664 in that it displays both the direct and the indirect/implied GL transfers. CC campus code of Member (required) FY fiscal year (required) ACCT start range for account (optional, if blank defaults to 000000) ACCTEND end range for account (optional, if blank defaults to 999999) OPTION ‘DOWNLOAD’ creates a downloadable work file (Blank) doesn't write output to work file OPTION3 indicates whether the report should summarize more than one campus. ‘MULTI’ (for multiple campus codes) and blank (default) are valid values. OPTION6 Approval types: B = Board approved D = Board adjusted F = feed to FAMIS account C = current Example: To request a FDAR665 report of all GL accounts (000000-099999), the parameters would be: CC=nn,FY=1999,ACCT=000000,ACCTEND=999999,OPTION6=C Example: FDAR665 FDAR665 TEXAS A&M UNIV-KINGSVILLE 04/16/98 18:09 FY 1999 CC 17 Direct and Implied Transfers / Allocations PAGE: 1 Transfers by Account -------- Actual Entry --------- - Offset - ---- From ----- ----- To ------ CC Account Transaction Description CC Account Amount CC Account CC Account Feed Mand -- ------- ----------------------------------- -- ------- ------------------ -- ------------ -- ------------ ---- ---- 17 010000 EDUCATION AND GENERAL INCOME ESTIMATED INCOME TRANSFER 17 011995 41,548,058.00 17 010000 17 011995 Y ** Decrease in Fund Balance ** 41,548,058.00 17 011993 RESERVE FOR ACAP CHANGE IN ACAP 17 011995 60,000.00- 17 011995 17 011993 N ** Increase in Fund Balance ** 60,000.00- 17 011995 TRANSFER OF BUDGETED FUNDS ESTIMATED INCOME TRANSFER 17 010000 41,548,058.00- 17 010000 17 011995 Y SAGO APPROPRIATION TRANSFER 01 010900 50,758.00 17 011995 01 010900 Y DEBT SERVICE TRANSFER 01 011204 2,409,021.00 17 011995 01 011204 Y Y CHANGE IN ACAP 17 011993 60,000.00 17 011995 17 011993 N FUND BALANCE FOR 99 OPERATING 17 011996 615,106.00- 17 011996 17 011995 Y ESTIMATED EXPENSE 17 012000 2,735,153.00 17 011995 17 012000 Y ESTIMATED EXPENSE 17 012100 7,316,616.00 17 011995 17 012100 Y ESTIMATED EXPENSE 17 013000 13,706,012.00 17 011995 17 013000 Y ESTIMATED EXPENSE 17 013700 741,397.00 17 011995 17 013700 Y ESTIMATED EXPENSE 17 014000 286,510.00 17 011995 17 014000 Y ESTIMATED EXPENSE 17 014100 126,542.00 17 011995 17 014100 Y ESTIMATED EXPENSE 17 014300 26,761.00 17 011995 17 014300 Y ESTIMATED EXPENSE 17 014800 682,848.00 17 011995 17 014800 Y ESTIMATED EXPENSE 17 015000 360,078.00 17 011995 17 015000 Y ESTIMATED EXPENSE 17 015100 267,584.00 17 011995 17 015100 Y ESTIMATED EXPENSE 17 015200 802,333.00 17 011995 17 015200 Y ESTIMATED EXPENSE 17 015300 752,930.00 17 011995 17 015300 Y ESTIMATED EXPENSE 17 015400 320,750.00 17 011995 17 015400 Y ESTIMATED EXPENSE 17 015500 2,351,472.00 17 011995 17 015500 Y ESTIMATED EXPENSE 17 015600 159,334.00 17 011995 17 015600 Y ESTIMATED EXPENSE 17 015700 90,979.00 17 011995 17 015700 Y ESTIMATED EXPENSE 17 016005 161,153.00 17 011995 17 016005 Y ESTIMATED EXPENSE 17 016016 43,811.00 17 011995 17 016016 Y ESTIMATED EXPENSE 17 016017 125,000.00 17 011995 17 016017 Y ESTIMATED EXPENSE 17 016090 2,550,100.00 17 011995 17 016090 N DESIGNATED TUITION/E&G 17 021800 1,000,000.00- 17 021800 17 011995 Y RESIDENT PUBLIC ED GRANT 17 021900 680,770.00 17 011995 17 021900 N NON-RESIDENT PUBLIC ED GRANT 17 021900 27,120.00 17 011995 17 021900 N RESIDENT EMERGENCY LOAN FUND 17 070030 75,640.00 17 011995 17 070030 N NON-RESIDENT EMERGENCY LOAN 17 070040 3,020.00 17 011995 17 070040 N FDAR670 – Fiscal Year nnnn Operating Budget This program produces THE Budget Book Front Schedule. It is a one page System Pattern summary report. Ledger 7 is NOT included in this report. CC campus code of Member (required) FY fiscal year (required) SL start range for SL (optional, if blank defaults to 100000) – ignored for transfers and allocations SLEND end range for SL (optional, if blank defaults to 899999) – ignored for transfers and allocations ROLLUP ‘BLANK’ – show at System Pattern ‘Y’ – show at Member “Rollup” Pattern OPTION indicates whether more than one campus should be summarized. Values are ‘COMBINED’ or blank (default). COMBINED indicates that summary sheets should be summarized into only one page when more than one campus is being reported. If left blank, a summary page will be produced for each campus. ‘COMBINED’ must be used with OPTION3=MULTI OPTION2 ‘Y’ displays beginning and ending balances OPTION3 indicates whether the report should summarize more than one campus. ‘MULTI’ (for multiple campus codes) and blank (default) are valid values OPTION4 ‘DOWNLOAD’ downloads main file of report ‘DOWNLOADN’ downloads extra file of F & G revenue/expense in column where n=1-6, value of download column OPTION5 (Blank) shows separate service department line ‘Y’ shows service departments added into regular categories OPTION6 Approval types: B = Board approved D = Board adjusted F = feed to FAMIS account C = current SORT1 may be used in conjunction with VALUE1 to restrict the report to a particular subset of data. See Dynamic Sort Parameters (FBVLSORT) for list of valid sort fields. VALUE1 value of sort field 1 (SORT1) to include on the report. If blank, all values of SORT1 will be chosen. SORT2 may be used in conjunction with VALUE2 to restrict the report to a particular subset of data. See Dynamic Sort Parameters (FBVLSORT) for list of valid sort fields. VALUE2 value of sort field 2 (SORT2) to include on the report. If blank, all values of SORT2 will be chosen. Example: To request a report of SLs 100000-899999, the parameters would be: CC=nn,FY=1999,SL=100000,SLEND=899999,OPTION6=C Example: FDAR670 , no sorts FDAR670 TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY SYSTEM 04/07/98 15:44 FY 1999 CC 01 FY 1999 Operating Budget PAGE: 1 Statement of Changes in Fund Balance ------------------------ Current Funds ------------------------ Functional Auxiliary Plant Description and General Designated Enterprises Restricted Funds Total ----------------------------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- Estimated Fund Balances 09/01/1998 21,359,086 21,359,086 Revenues State Appropriations Federal Appropriations Higher Education Assistance Fund Available University Fund Tuition and Fees Remissions and Waivers Contracts, Grants and Gifts Sales and Service 105,725 105,725 Investment and Interest 2,295,500 2,295,500 Miscellaneous Total Revenue 2,401,225 2,401,225 Expenses Salaries 2,841,039 2,841,039 Wages 261,539 261,539 Benefits 692,524 692,524 Utilities 25,000 25,000 Scholarships and Fellowships 1,500 1,500 Operations and Maintenance 1,283,991 42,375 1,326,366 Debt Service Total Expense(Less Service Depts) 5,105,593 42,375 5,147,968 Net Service Departments 10,792,476 10,792,476 Total Expense 15,898,069 42,375 15,940,444 Transfers Retirement of Indebtedness 9,138,688 800 15,168,854 24,308,342 Other Transfers 55,834 5,528,731- 5,472,897- Total Transfers 9,194,522 5,527,931- 15,168,854 18,835,445 Net Change in Fund Balance 9,194,522 19,024,775- 42,375- 15,168,854 5,296,226 Estimated Fund Balances 08/31/1999 9,194,522 2,334,311 42,375- 15,168,854 26,655,312 FDAR671 – Fiscal Year nnnn Operating Budget – This program produces the Budget Book supporting detail schedules. CC campus code of Member (required) FY fiscal year (required) ROLLUP ‘BLANK’ – show at System Pattern ‘Y’ – show at Member “Rollup” Pattern OPTION indicates the budget book report being requested. The values are: A or B Functional and General report – The program runs these reports using an account range of 100000 - 199999 C Designated Funds (less service departments) report – rejects all accounts whose sub-fund equals ‘DS’ - The program runs this report using an account range of 200000 - 299999 D Designated Service Department report – includes only those accounts whose sub-fund equals ‘DS’ – The program runs this report using an account range of 200000 - 299999 E Auxiliary Funds report – The program runs this report using an account range of 300000 - 399999 F Restricted Funds report – The program runs this report using an account range of 400000 - 699999 G Plant Funds report – The report runs this report using an account range of 800000 - 899999 * All options (A-G) will be produced. However, sort/value/break/newpage CANNOT be specified. This option will produce a report of each of the previous options, the account range used will be the account range for the respective OPTION. (NOTE: The program allows you to specify an account range with SL=xxxxxx and SLEND=xxxxxx. This account range will only be used if the program is run with OPTION=blank. Any other OPTION will use the account ranges specified above. If the amounts on the FDAR670 and FDAR671 do not match, check to see if the account range specified for the FDAR670 matches the appropriate account range for the OPTION specified in the FDAR671.) OPTION3 indicates whether the report should be run for more than one campus. ‘MULTI’ (for multiple campus codes) and blank (default) are valid values. If MULTI is specified, work file 4 is used to specify the campus codes being selected. OPTION5 ‘NEGATIVE’ shows accounts with a negative balance (Blank) shows all accounts OPTION6 Approval types: B = Board approved D = Board adjusted F = feed to FAMIS account C = current SORT1 may be used in conjunction with VALUE1 to restrict the report to a particular subset of data. See Dynamic Sort Parameters (FBVLSORT) for list of valid sort fields. VALUE1 value of sort field 1 (SORT1) to include on the report. If blank, all values of SORT1 will be chosen. BREAK1 used to specify whether breaks with subtotals should be performed for value changes of the SORT1 field. ‘Y’ will perform break logic, blank or ‘N’ will not. NEWPAGE1 used to specify whether a page break should occur when the value of the SORT1 field changes. ‘Y’ will cause of page break, blank or ‘N’ will not. SORT2 may be used in conjunction with VALUE1 to restrict the report to a particular subset of data. See Dynamic Sort Parameters (FBVLSORT) for list of valid sort fields. VALUE2 value of sort field 2 (SORT2) to include on the report. If blank, all values of SORT2 will be chosen. BREAK2 used to specify whether breaks with subtotals should be performed for value changes of the SORT2 field. ‘Y’ will perform break logic, blank or ‘N’ will not. NEWPAGE2 used to specify whether a page break should occur when the value of the SORT2 field changes. ‘Y’ will cause of page break, blank or ‘N’ will not. SORT3 may be used in conjunction with VALUE3 to restrict the report to a particular subset of data. See Dynamic Sort Parameters (FBVLSORT) for list of valid sort fields. VALUE3 value of sort field 3 (SORT3) to include on the report. If blank, all values of SORT3 will be chosen. BREAK3 used to specify whether breaks with subtotals should be performed for value changes of the SORT3 field. ‘Y’ will perform break logic, blank or ‘N’ will not. NEWPAGE3 used to specify whether a page break should occur when the value of the SORT3 field changes. ‘Y’ will cause of page break, blank or ‘N’ will not. Example: To request all reports of SLs 100000-899999, the parameters would be: CC=nn,FY=1999,OPTION=*,OPTION6=C Example: FDAR671 , OPTION=* FDAR671 TEST DEFAULT CAMPUS 02/01/2000 10:46 FY 2000 CC AB FY 2000 OPERATING BUDGET SECTION: 2 FUNCTIONAL AND GENERAL FUNDS PAGE: 1 BEGINNING NET INCREASE ENDING ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION BALANCE REVENUES ALLOCATIONS EXPENDITURES (DECREASE) BALANCE ------------ -------------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- 100001-00000 TESTING ACCOUNT REVENUE S-STATE APPROPRIATI 22 S-MISCELLANEOUS 4,545,455 ACCOUNT TOTAL 22 4,545,477 500- 0 4,544,977 4,544,999 110001 TEST AUTO CREATE SA EXPENSE S-SALARIES - FACULTY 1 S-SALARIES NON-FACULTY 2 S-WAGES 3 ACCOUNT TOTAL 333 0 0 6 6- 327 118401 SALARY SAVINGS 5 EXPENSE S-SALARIES - FACULTY 1 S-SALARIES NON-FACULTY 2 S-WAGES 3 S-BENEFITS 4 S-UTILITIES 5 S-OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE 6 S-DEBT SERVICE 14,000 ACCOUNT TOTAL 544 0 0 14,021 14,021- 13,477- FDAR671 TEST DEFAULT CAMPUS 02/01/2000 10:46 FY 2000 CC AB FY 2000 OPERATING BUDGET SECTION: 2 FUNCTIONAL AND GENERAL FUNDS PAGE: 2 BEGINNING NET INCREASE ENDING ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION BALANCE REVENUES ALLOCATIONS EXPENDITURES (DECREASE) BALANCE ------------ -------------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- FUNCTIONAL AND GENERAL FUNDS REVENUE S-STATE APPROPRIATI 22 S-MISCELLANEOUS 4,545,455 EXPENSE S-SALARIES - FACULTY 2 S-SALARIES NON-FACULTY 4 S-WAGES 6 S-BENEFITS 4 S-UTILITIES 5 S-OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE 6 S-DEBT SERVICE 14,000 GRAND TOTAL 899 4,545,477 500- 14,027 4,530,950 4,531,849 FDAR671 TEXAS A&M UNIV-KINGSVILLE 04/16/98 18:11 FY 1999 CC 17 FY 1999 Operating Budget PAGE: 6 Designated Funds Beginning Net Increase Ending Account Description Balance Revenues Allocations Expenditures (Decrease) Balance ------------ -------------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- 218030 PLEDGED REVENUE SUPPORT SERVICES Expense Salaries 552,888 Benefits 145,160 Operations and Maintenance 61,440 Account Total 0 0 0 759,488 759,488- 759,488- 218055 FACULTY/STAFF RECRUITMENT Expense Operations and Maintenance 25,000 Account Total 0 0 0 25,000 25,000- 25,000- 218505 LIBRARY FEE-OPERATIONS Expense Salaries 316,487 Wages 50,000 Benefits 62,750 Operations and Maintenance 48,000 Account Total 0 0 0 477,237 477,237- 477,237- FDAR671 TEXAS A&M UNIV-KINGSVILLE 04/16/98 18:11 FY 1999 CC 17 FY 1999 Operating Budget PAGE: 1 Auxiliary Enterprises Beginning Net Increase Ending Account Description Balance Revenues Allocations Expenditures (Decrease) Balance ------------ -------------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- ** AUXILIARY ~ AUA ~ AUXILIARY ENTERPRISES ADMIN 312690 LEADERSHIP LADDER Expense Operations and Maintenance 15,000 Account Total 0 0 0 15,000 15,000- 15,000- AUXILIARY ~ AUA Expense Operations and Maintenance 15,000 Total 0 0 0 15,000 15,000- 15,000- ** AUXILIARY ~ BOO ~ BOOKSTORE 336000 BOOKSTORE Revenue Sales and Service 115,000 Account Total 0 115,000 0 0 115,000 115,000 AUXILIARY ~ BOO Revenue Sales and Service 115,000 Total 950,000 115,000 0 0 115,000 1,065,000 ** AUXILIARY ~ CHI ~ CHILD CARE CENTER 312800 NURSERY SCHOOL Expense Operations and Maintenance 13,000 Account Total 0 0 0 13,000 13,000- 13,000- AUXILIARY ~ CHI Expense Operations and Maintenance 13,000 Total 0 0 0 13,000 13,000- 13,000- ** AUXILIARY ~ FOO ~ FOOD SERVICES FDAR671 TEXAS A&M UNIV-KINGSVILLE 04/16/98 18:11 FY 1999 CC 17 FY 1999 Operating Budget PAGE: 1 Restricted Funds Beginning Net Increase Ending Account Description Balance Revenues Allocations Expenditures (Decrease) Balance ------------ -------------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- ** SUB-FUND-GROUP ~ blank ~ 400111 TAMUK-BIOMEDICAL RESEARCH-RIMI '98 Revenue Contracts, Grants a 11,540 Expense Salaries 8,140 Benefits 1,400 Operations and Maintenance 2,000 Account Total 0 11,540 0 11,540 0 0 410008 FEDERAL GRANTS-DUMMY FOR BUDGET Revenue Contracts, Grants a 3,200,000 Expense Salaries 1,300,000 Benefits 120,000 Operations and Maintenance 1,780,000 Account Total 0 3,200,000 0 3,200,000 0 0 411102 HIGH WATER USE EFFICIENCY Revenue Contracts, Grants a 24,600 Expense Salaries 12,000 Benefits 3,600 Operations and Maintenance 9,000 Account Total 0 24,600 0 24,600 0 0 411306-00001 D040-WASHINGTON CONF, 12/8-9/97 Revenue Contracts, Grants a 21,000 Expense Salaries 3,325 Operations and Maintenance 17,062 Account Total 0 21,000 0 20,387 613 613 FBAU672 / FDAU673 – Payroll to FAMIS Budget Update/Reallocate This program performs the budget reallocation process. This process is optional and may be run whenever an institution or agency wishes to run it. Prior to running this process, the Member must notify B/P/P that it needs its Prep salary information downloaded and the Member must request famisprod@tamus.edu upload the newly created salary prep file by running FBAU584. The Member must provide the FBAU672 prodcards and program options to run the reallocation process. The budget reallocation process in invoked by running the program FBAU672. Output will consist of reports from programs FBAU672 and FDAU673. FDAU673 should NOT be requested – it is automatically produced from FBAU672 The purpose of Phase II Budget Processing is to adjust, within the budget module, the salary and wage dollars on the Board submitted budget. A prodcard file will be created that controls the short/over processing in a priority order. This adjustment process can be run multiple times; either starting with the original board approved version or with the “current” submitted version. Multiple runs of this process may be requested because of a new BPP salary/wage feed, revised prodcard, etc. The result will be a new submitted version, prefixed with the name “feed”. All budgeted accounts will be processed, even those flagged “No Feed”; and the bottom-line balance may be maintained per account. Selection Criteria Each prodcard line must contain an MEMBER/DEPARTMENT expense pattern name OR a stop/start account range; but, both may be included. Salary Short The salary short account number is the account that will be reduced if a salary/wage shortage occurs. If the salary short account and category(s) are both blank, no salary short processing will occur. If salary short account exists, only one budget category is allowed and it may go negative. If the salary short account is blank, the processed account will pull from within its own categories (up to 6 allowed). The categories should be listed in priority order, and only the last category will be allowed to go negative. Salary Over The salary over account number is the account that will be increased if a salary/wage overage occurs. If the salary over account number and category are both blank, no salary over processing will occur. If a salary over account exists, the overage will be placed in that account using the given budget category. If the salary over account is blank, the overage will be kept in the processed account with the specified budget category. Processing Rules Each account that was budgeted will be compared against the prodcard table, from top to bottom, and will be processed with the FIRST match on expense pattern and/or start/stop account. If no match is found, the account will be written to a "not processed” report. NOTE: Any salary short/over accounts listed in the prodcard table will not be processed using the short and over criteria. Prodcard Example: Example Selection Criteria Salary Short Salary Over Expense level start stop cat cat cat cat cat cat cat and pattern acct-11 Acct-11 acct-11 1 2 3 4 5 6 acct-11 1 1 M Expense-01 100000 199999 111111 3 100000 5 2 M Expense-02 100000 199999 111112 5 1 3 100000 199999 111113 2 100001 4 4 D expense-03 200000 399999 5 2 4 5 D expense-03 3 1 6 M expense-04 400000 699999 4 6 2 1 5 3 7 100000 999999 111114 6 3 1. Any ledger 1 account marked with an expense pattern “expense-01”. If any salary/wage categories were under funded, these accounts would draw from account 111111 (category 03). If over funded, the overage would be placed in account 100000 (category 05). 2. Any ledger 1 account marked with an expense pattern “expense-02”. If any salary/wage categories were under funded, these accounts would draw from account 111112 (category 05). If over funded, the overage would remain in the account; but moved to category 01. 3. Any ledger 1 account that has not previously processed. If any salary/wage categories were under funded, these accounts would draw from account 111113 (category 02). If over funded, the overage would be placed in account 100001 (category 04) 4. Any ledger 2-3 account marked with an expense pattern “expense-03”. If any salary/wage categories were under funded, the underage would draw, in priority order, from categories 05, 02, and 04 in the account being processed. If over funded, the overage would remain in the same account/category. 5. Any account marked with an expense pattern “expense-03” that has not already been processed. If any salary/wage categories were under funded, the underage would draw, in priority order, from categories 03 and 01 in the account being processed. If over funded, the overage would remain in the same account/category. 6. Any ledger 4-6 account marked with an expense pattern “expense-04”. If any salary/wage categories were under funded, the underage would draw, in priority order, from categories 04, 06, 02, 01, 05, and 03 in the account being processed. If over funded, the overage would remain in the same account/category. 7. Any ledger 1-9 account that has not already processed. If any salary/wage categories were under funded, these accounts would draw from account 111114 (category 06). If over funded, the overage would remain in the same account; but moved to category 03. This process may be run with UPDATE=NO if you simply want to see the potential changes in the salary/wage categories and what would happen if you were to reallocate from categories within the account or from another account. Even if you feel you will never run the reallocation process in an update mode for your institution or agency, you may want to run it with UPDATE=NO to see the effect of the updated salary and wage dollars. If you wish to run for this purpose only, supply a prodcard with only one line giving an account range of 100000-999999 and no other prodcard parameters (no over / under account, categories, etc.). When run in UPDATE=NO mode, the reports are subtitled *WHAT IF*. If you want all your budgeted accounts to appear as part of the report / process, you must include a "catch all" account range at the end of your prodcards. You must do this to see your REVENUE ONLY accounts, those account that have no expense pattern, or an account that did not match any other prodcard line. We suggest that the last line of your prodcard be an account range of 100000-999999 and no other prodcard parameters (no over / under account, categories, etc.). NOTE: Any account processed by FBAU672 will have the salary/wage dollars modified to reflect the amounts shown on the PF8 pop-up from screen 584/594. This will happen EVEN IF the salary short and over processing is NOT performed. This will affect the campus budget bottom-line total. If you want your bottom-line to remain the same, you MUST use the short/over reallocation process. If a category is short, you may take from another category within the same account or from another account's category. This choice is made via the prodcard, and may be specified per budget expense pattern (Screen 556) and account range combination. CC campus code of Member (required) FY fiscal year (required) OPTION indicates the budget book report being requested. The values are: ‘SUMMARY’ receive summary report only (similar to FDAR663). One line per account. ‘DETAIL’ receive detail report only (similar to FDAR589). One page per account with five comparative columns, one “change” column, and a write-in column for “new amount”. ‘BOTH’ receive both summary and detail reports. OPTION5 ‘NEGATIVE’ shows only accounts with a negative balance (Blank) does not show these accounts OPTION6 Approval types: B = Board approved D = Board adjusted - done F = feed to FAMIS account C = current UPDATE ‘YES’ will commit updates to database ‘NO’ will produce a “what if” report showing potential updates. The database will not be updated. ‘SALARY’ will produce a report showing accounts with salaries that are NOT budgeted. Only this report will be produced; the reallocation process will not continue. SORT1 may be used in conjunction with VALUE1 to restrict the report to a particular subset of data. See Dynamic Sort Parameters (FBVLSORT) for list of valid sort fields. The “default” sort is account number: DO NOT SPECIFY THIS!!! SORT2 may be used in conjunction with VALUE1 to restrict the report to a particular subset of data. See Dynamic Sort Parameters (FBVLSORT) for list of valid sort fields. SORT3 may be used in conjunction with VALUE3 to restrict the report to a particular subset of data. See Dynamic Sort Parameters (FBVLSORT) for list of valid sort fields. SORT4 may be used in conjunction with VALUE3 to restrict the report to a particular subset of data. See Dynamic Sort Parameters (FBVLSORT) for list of valid sort fields. There are several reports that are produced: FBAU672 Report 1 Listing of prodcard information Report 2 Accounts not matching Prodcard - this report lists those accounts which were not processed because they did not match the expense pattern and/or start-stop account ranges. Report 3 Accounts with Salaries -- NOT BUDGETED - this report lists accounts that have salaries/wages in BPP Prep, BUT have not been budgeted in the FAMIS Budget Module. FDAU673 Report 1 Budget Account Summary - described in FBAU672 options above Report 2 Budget Account Detail - described in FBAU672 options above FBAR580 – Listing of Budget Accounts Without Patterns This program lists budget accounts not having assigned patterns or not yet in the budget attribute file. Account’s whose ‘No Bud’ flag is set to “Y” will be excluded. Also produces a report by account listing their patterns and other associated data. CC campus code of Member (required) FY fiscal year (required), should be current fiscal year plus one OPTION blank (default) or MULTI (to read campus codes from a prodcard to report on multiple campuses) SL start range for SL (optional, if blank defaults to 100000) SLEND end range for SL (optional, if blank defaults to 999999) FBAU581 – Batch Update No Feed and No Budget Flags in Budget File This program can be used to set the ‘No Budget’ and / or the ‘No Feed’ flags for a specified range of accounts. Accounts marked as deleted will not have their flags set. There is a “TEES” option that will set the ‘No Budget’ flag to “Y” for all accounts ending with ‘2’ or ‘7’. CC campus code of the Member FY should be the new budget fiscal year, not the current fiscal year. OPTION TEES (only TEES may request this option). If requested, accounts ending with a ‘2’ or ‘7’ will have their ‘No Budget’ flag set to ‘Y’. A prodcard must be defined to indicate one or more account ranges for which the program can be run. The values of the prodcard are: • No Feed Flag (if requesting it be set / changed) • No Budget Flag (if requesting it be set / changed) • SL Begin Account required – SL account to begin setting the flag values • SL End Account required – SL account to end setting the flag values FBAU582 – Batch Update Budget Module Support Account Flags in Budget File Screen 584 Budget Module Support Account flags will be set using this program. CC campus code of the Member FY should be the new budget fiscal year, not the current fiscal year. OPTION6 usually blank to indicate updates should occur in future budget year. CURRENT indicates updates should be done in current fiscal year REPLACE indicates whether flags should be overlaid if previously set (default is N) A prodcard must be defined to indicate one or more account ranges for which the program can be run. The values of the prodcard are: • Revenue Budget Flag (if requesting it be set / changed) • Expense Budget Flag (if requesting it be set / changed) • SL Begin Account required – SL account to begin setting the flag values • SL End Account required – SL account to end setting the flag values FBAU583 – Assign Budget Pattern This program assigns expense and / or revenue patterns to a range of accounts. It must be run once for each pattern created. The Replace Option=Y will overlay any previously assigned pattern. The Remove Option will remove the specified pattern from every account it has been assigned. Patterns will only be assigned to accounts having the same ABR rule as the pattern unless their ‘No Feed’ flag is set to “Y”. Patterns with ABR000 can be assigned to any non-feeding account regardless of the account’s ABR rule. CC campus code of Member (required) FY fiscal year (required), should be current fiscal year plus one SL start range for SL (optional, if blank defaults to 100000) SLEND end range for SL (optional, if blank defaults to 999999) CODE (optional) indicates whether all subdepartments should be included. Value = ‘Y’ includes all VALUE1 22 characters – revenue pattern name and level, in the following order: • Pattern type: 1 character (R for revenue, E for expense) • Pattern level: 1 character • Pattern name: 10 characters • Pattern department: 5 characters • Pattern subdepartment: 5 characters VALUE2 22 characters – expense pattern name and level, in the following order: • Pattern type: 1 character (R for revenue, E for expense) • Pattern level: 1 character • Pattern name: 10 characters • Pattern department: 5 characters • Pattern subdepartment: 5 characters REPLACE indicates whether existing pattern should be replaced. ‘Y’ will replace, ‘N’ (default) will not OPTION indicates whether specified pattern should be removed from selected accounts. This must be used with REPLACE = ‘Y’ DEPT department code SUBDEPT sub-department code FBAU584 – Load BPP Salaries This program loads the current year’s BPP prep salary amounts to the new year’s budget accounts. The file is produced from Budget / Payroll / Personnel (B/P/P). This program should be run before budget forms are produced or budget entry begins. This program is run periodically during the budget cycle. It produces a report of errors that cannot be corrected and / or entered on-line. (Part 06 needs to request FBAR570 prior to running this job.) CC campus code of Member (required) FY fiscal year (required), should be current fiscal year plus one FBAU585 – Listing of Errors Found When Loading Old Accts in BA File This program updates the previous account number array displayed on 584 / 594 with Member specified previous account numbers. If this program is requested, a Member must provide a spreadsheet indicating each affected account’s previous account number for each of the prior four years. These account numbers are used by the budget entry screens and reports to gather the renumbered account’s prior years’ activity for comparative purposes. An error report is produced listing errors found when loading old account numbers. CC campus code of Member (required) FY fiscal year (required), should be current fiscal year plus one OPTION when set to REPLACE, previous accounts will be reset OPTION6 if set to CURRENT will allow program to run in current FY and not budget year which is typically the next year. A spreadsheet needs to be provided defining the accounts that have had a different account number in a previous year. If the account number has been changed prior to this fiscal year, multiple records need to be defined for each prior year (up to 4) the account had a different number. The layout of spreadsheet is as follows: • Campus Code (A2) • Current FY (N4) • Current SL (A6) • Current SA (A5) • Previous FY (N4) • Previous SL (A6) • Previous (SA) (A5) • Previous Campus Code (A2) FBAU586 – Create New Saved/Submitted Versions This program creates new budget versions and either saves / submits / reports them. The version create table must be established on Screen 856 before this option can be requested. This program can only be run once for an account. To run again for an account, XXBASVR must first be run to remove the “submitted” versions. CC campus code of Member (required) FY fiscal year (required), should be current fiscal year plus one SL start range for SL (optional, if blank defaults to 100000) SLEND end range for SL (optional, if blank defaults to 999999) OPTION 10 character version name (required) OPTION2 indicates whether a new version should be reported, but not saved (REPORT - default), created and saved (SAVE), or created, saved, and submitted (SUBMIT). FBAU587 – ‘Submit’ Saved Versions This program will SUBMIT saved versions for accounts that have ONLY one saved version. If more than one version exists for an account, the account will appear on an error report. CC campus code of Member (required) FY fiscal year (required), should be current fiscal year plus one SL start range for SL (optional, if blank defaults to 100000) SLEND end range for SL (optional, if blank defaults to 999999) OPTION2 Report (default), SUBMIT to submit the saved version FBAU590 – List of Unlocked Versions Found During Approval Type Update This program marks the current submitted version as the Board approved version (Option=B), Board adjusted (Option=D), or the Feed version (Option=F). An error report is produced if unlocked versions are found during this process. The Board version will be set at the request of the TAMUS System upon Board of Regents approval (April – August timeframe). The feed and adjusted versions will be marked when the budget is fed into the next fiscal year (August – September timeframe). CC campus code of Member (required) FY fiscal year (required), should be current fiscal year plus one OPTION version approval type. Values are ‘B’ (Board approved), ‘D’ (Board adjusted), ‘F’ (feed to FAMIS account) OPTION2 ‘MULTI’ run for multiple campuses (Blank) run only for current campus OPTION3 ‘BC’ populate approval for budget versions ‘BT’ populate approval for transfers / allocations ‘BOTH’ populates both ‘BC’ and ‘BT’ FBAR595 – Detail Listing of Budget Patterns This program lists patterns, one per page, by selected campus code(s). This report can be requested for one campus or a range of campuses. CC campus code of Member (required) FY fiscal year (required), should be current fiscal year plus one SORT indicates how pattern categories should be sorted: S – subcode, C – category (default), D – display order. OPTION3 (Blank) process for current campus code ‘MULTI’ process for multiple campus codes in work file FBAU596 – Budget Attribute Roll Forward This program copies the current year budget attribute data to the new Budget Year. The Replace Option = 'Y' will overlay any existing attributes. An account range may be specified in the Prodcard. The following attributes are rolled: No budget flag No feed flag Feed account Budget Module SA flags Previous account information CC campus code of Member (required) FY fiscal year (required), should be current fiscal year plus one REPLACE Y' - will store new records and update changes to existing records in the new year 'N' will only store new records in new year TYPRUN 'NOUPDATE' - will not update database (Blank) - will update database PRODCARD: #SL-BEG BEGINNING SL #SL-END ENDING SL FBAU598 – Non-FAMIS Member Budget Load/Report This program does a budget version upload from non-FAMIS Member supplied files. The program can either report only, save a version, or create a saved and submitted version. This file can be used by non-FAMIS Members to load their budgets from their existing accounting systems into FAMIS. CC campus code of Member (required) FY fiscal year (required) OPTION 10 character budget version name OPTION2 REPORT, SAVE, SUBMIT (report is always produced, regardless of OPTION2) A work file must be provided that defines the account budget for the Non-FAMIS Member. Each file record is 100 characters long (fixed length). The layout of the file is: FIELD TYPE LENGTH DESCRIPTION Campus Code Alpha 2 TAMUS Part number Fiscal Year Numeric 4 Budget Fiscal Year Account Alpha 11 FAMIS Account number Rev/Exp Flag Alpha 1 "R" or "E" Category Number Alpha 2 budget pattern rev or exp category number (Screen 556) Amount Numeric 11.2 11 byte integer, 2 bytes fraction, implied decimal. Amount should be right justified and zero filled (i.e. 0000000001277 if $12.77). Every field is required FBAR599 – Budget Version Download Error Report This program creates a download file of the budget information created via Screen 589 / 599 at a specified pattern level (As entered, Member rollup - default, System rollup). This file will be used by non-FAMIS Members to load or reconcile their budgets against their official accounting system. This program may also be used to load the official budget that is fed into FAMIS. This file, when run for the “official” Feed version (version approval type = F), will be used as the input file to load the initial budget into FAMIS. CC campus code of Member (required) FY fiscal year (required), should be current fiscal year plus one SL start range for SL (optional, if blank defaults to 100000) SLEND end range for SL (optional, if blank defaults to 999999) VALUE1 name of the submitted version to be downloaded. If blank, all account’s submitted versions will be selected. CODE (Blank) - download in pattern as budgeted ‘M’ - download in Member pattern ‘S’ - download in System pattern OPTION3 (Blank) - process for current campus code ‘MULTI’ - process for multiple campus codes OPTION6 Approval types: ‘B’ - Board approved ‘D’ - Board adjusted - done ‘F’ - feed to FAMIS account ‘C’ - current DOWNLOAD ‘B’ - download to include both revenue and expense ‘R’ - download only revenue values ‘E’ - download only expense values SORT1 values in FBVLSORT SORT2 values in FBVLSORT FBYU800 – Roll Tables to New Fiscal Year This program creates the FRS and SPR control records and tables for the new fiscal year, sets the Campus Allow Flags to ‘N’ (Screen 842) and calls the following programs to roll forward tables necessary for budgeting: This is done with OPTION=BUDGET Any changes to the new fiscal year tables can begin at this time. Changes may be SAGO-mandated changes, User-defined changes, or TAMUS defined Object Code deletes. CC campus code FY fiscal year CCTO new campus code field (copy from CC to CCTO) FYTO new fiscal year field (copy from FY to FYTO) REPLACE ‘Y’ - replace any control records that already exist ‘N’ - will terminate if control record for FYTO already exists COA not used in program GSE not used in program ABR not used in program OPTION ‘ALLTABLES’ - roll all tables to new fiscal year ‘BUDGET’ - FBYU801 - rolls forward COA structure for GLs and SLs FBYU803 - rolls forward Global Subcode Edit records FBYU804 - rolls forward the ABR table FBYU805 - rolls forward GL subcode code description table FBYU806 - rolls forward SL subcode code description table ‘YEAREND’ - FBYU807 - rolls forward User Defined Budget Pools (Screen 710) FBYU831 - rolls forward the IDT interface table FBYU840 - rolls forward the USAS Strategy Table PBYU306 - rolls forward the exempt object code table PBYU309 - rolls forward the limited and exempt control records TBYU800 - creates the FFX control record for the new fiscal year TBAR020 - unloads the FFX tables (592-599) TBIUALL - this job runs TBIU592-595 to load the 592-595 tables FBYU005 – Create New Year Support Accounts (AL-EXT only) This program was created for AL-EXT (Part 07). It creates a new support account for accounts in the 110000-190000 and 600000-699999 ranges which have support accounts beginning with ‘2’ or ‘9’. The second digit of the new support account is the new FY. CC campus code FY fiscal year REPLACE ‘Y’ - do not replace existing SAs ‘N’ - replace existing SAs ACCT starting SL range ACCTEND ending SL range XXNEWSA – Support Account Create This program creates the support account specified if it doesn’t exist in the year. This was written for TAMUC for FY99, but is generic enough that it can be run for other Members if needed. XXMAPCD – Update Map Code This program changes the map code for a range of SLs. After this is run, FBYU007 should be run to update the SL counter for each GL. FBVLSORT: (dynamic sort parameters) Possible Sort1, Sort2, Sort3, or Sort4 values. Sort1 is the highest level of sort, Sort2 is the next highest. Not all budget reports support all four levels of sorts. Most of these attributes can be found on Screens 2, 4 or Screen 6, 8, or 9. Other fields can be added upon request from users. Values Field Format Description ABR A 3 ABR number ACCT-4 A 4 Subcode ACCT-6 A 6 Acct 6 (GL or SL) BUDGET-SORT A 6 AL-RSCH (Part 06) BUDGET-SUPPRESS A 1 Budget Suppress flag COLLEGE A 2 College attribute (primary) COLLEGE-2 A 2 College attribute (secondary) DELETE-FLAG A 1 Delete flag DEPT A 5 Department (primary) DEPT-2 A 2 Department (secondary) DESC A 35 Account description DIVISION A 2 Division attribute (primary) DIVISION-2 A 2 Division attribute (secondary) DROP-FLAG A 1 Drop flag ELEMENT-OF-COST A 3 Element of Cost attribute EOC A 3 Element of Cost attribute EXEC-LEVEL A 2 Executive Level attribute (primary) EXEC-LEVEL-2 A 2 Executive level attribute (secondary) FREEZE-FLAG A 1 Freeze flag FUNCTION A 2 Function attribute FUND-GROUP A 2 Fund Group attribute FUND-SOURCE A 2 Source of Funds LEDGER-GL A 1 2nd digit of GL account LEDGER-SL A 1 1st digit of SL account MAIL-CODE-1 A 5 Mail code (primary) MAIL-CODE-2 A 5 Mail code (secondary) MAP-CODE A 5 Map Code MEMBER A 2 Campus Code REPORTING-GROUP A 2 Reporting Group attribute RESP-PERSON A 20 Responsible Person SA-CREATE A 1 Support Account enable flag SUB-DEPT A 5 Sub department (primary) SUB-DEPT-2 A 5 Sub department (secondary) SUB-EOC A 2 SUB-FUNCTION A 2 Sub Function attribute SUB-FUND-GROUP A 2 Sub Fund Group attribute SUB-SUB-FUND-GROUP A 2 Sub Sub Fund Group attribute YE-PROCESS-FLAG A 1 Yearend Process flag Values Field Format Description FG-FS-CAMPUS-CD A 2 MEMBER A 2 Campus Code FG-FS-FISCAL-YY N 4.0 FG-FS-ACCT A 10 FG-FS-ACCT LEDGER-SL A 1 1st digit of SL account LEDGER-GL A 1 2nd digit of GL account FG-FS-ACCT-6 A 6 ACCT-6 A 6 Acct 6 (GL or SL) FG-FS-ACCT-4 A 4 ACCT-4 A 4 Subcode #FG-FS-ACCT-6 A 6 #FG-FS-ACCT-4 A 4 FG-FS-DEL-FG A 1 DELETE-FLAG A 1 Delete flag FG-FS-FREEZE-FG A 1 FREEZE-FLAG A 1 Freeze flag FG-FS-DROP-FG A 1 DROP-FLAG A 1 Drop flag FS-BUD-SUPPR A 1 DEF-CATEGORY-CONTROL A 1 BUDGET-SUPPRESS A 1 Budget Suppress flag FS-BOTTOM-LINE-BUD-CNTL A 1 FG-FS-YY-END-PROC A 1 YE-PROCESS-FLAG A 1 Yearend Process flag FG-SL-CNTR N 5.0 FG-FS-DESC A 35 DESC A 35 Account description FG-FS-RESP-PER A 20 RESP-PERSON A 20 Responsible Person FG-FS-EXEC-LEVEL A 2 EXEC-LEVEL A 2 Executive Level attribute (primary) FG-FS-DIVISION A 2 DIVISION A 2 Division attribute (primary) FG-FS-SCHOOL A 2 COLLEGE A 2 College attribute (primary) Values Field Format Description FG-FS-DEPT A 5 DEPT A 5 Department (primary) FG-FS-SUB-DEPT A 5 SUB-DEPT A 5 Sub department (primary) FG-FS-FUND-GR A 2 FUND-GROUP A 2 Fund Group attribute FG-FS-COST-REF-FGS A 6 FG-FS-PURP A 2 FUNCTION A 2 Function attribute FG-FS-RECLS A 1 FG-FS-SECURITY-CD A 6 FG-FS-GL-OLD-ACCT-NBR A 15 FG-FS-LONG-DESC A 40 (1:2) FG-FS-RESP-PERSON-ID-2 A 9 FG-FS-RESP-PERSON-ID-3 A 9 FG-FS-RESP-PERSON-ID-4 A 9 FS-ABR-FG A 3 ABR A 3 ABR number FS-AR-CLERK-CD A 2 FG-FS-FREEZE-DIR-EXP-FG A 1 FS-CLASSING-LIST-CD A 1 FS-STATE-FUND-FG A 1 FG-FS-START-DT N 8.0 FG-FS-END-DT N 8.0 FS-MAP-CD A 5 MAP-CODE A 5 Map Code FS-OFF-CAMPUS-FG A 1 FS-MJR-FUND-SRC A 2 FUND-SOURCE A 2 Source of Funds FS-MNR-FUND-SRC A 3 MINOR-FUND-SOURCE A 3 FS-PROJ-FYTD-END-MM N 2.0 FG-FS-DT-CREATED N 8.0 FG-FS-OPER A 8 FG-FS-USER-ID A 8 FG-FS-ACT-CNTR N 5.0 FG-FS-DT-LAST-ACT N 8.0 FG-FS-BEG-BAL P 11.2 FG-FS-ACCUM-AMTS FG-FS-ACTUAL P 11.2 (13) FS-ENC P 11.2 (13) FG-FS-BEG-BAL-MM P 11.2 (13) Values Field Format Description FS-BUDGET-AMTS FS-ABR-BUD P 11.2 (13) FS-ORIG-BUD-ANNL P 11.2 (13) FS-REVSD-BUD-ANNL P 11.2 (13) FA-ACCT A 15 FA-LEDGER A 1 FA-ACCT-6 A 6 FA-ACCT-5 A 5 FA-ACCT-4 A 4 FS-BUDGET-SORT A 6 BUDGET-SORT A 6 AL-RSCH (Part 06) FS-TRS-ORP-EXEMPT-FG A 1 FA-SA-CREATE A 1 SA-CREATE A 1 Support Account enable flag FS-FSA-EXP-ACT-ACCESS A 1 FA-ACCUM-AMTS FA-ACTUAL P 11.2 (13) FA-ENC P 11.2 (13) FA-REQ P 11.2 (13) FA-BUDGET-AMTS FA-ABR-BUD P 11.2 (13) FA-ORIG-BUD-ANNL P 11.2 (13) FA-REVSD-BUD-ANNL P 11.2 (13) FG-FS-ACCT-LETTER-FG A 1 FG-FS-RESP-PERSON-ID A 9 FG-FS-RESP-ACCT-PERSON-ID A 9 FG-FS-DEFAULT-BANK A 5 FG-FS-MAIL-CD A 5 (1:2) MAIL-STOP-1 A 5 Mail stop (primary) MAIL-STOP-2 A 5 Mail stop (secondary) MAIL-CODE-1 A 5 Mail code (primary) MAIL-CODE-2 A 5 Mail code (secondary) FG-FS-REPORTING-GROUP A 2 REPORTING-GROUP A 2 Reporting Group attribute FG-FS-ELEMENT-OF-COST A 3 ELEMENT-OF-COST A 3 Element of Cost attribute EOC A 3 Element of Cost attribute FG-FS-SUB-FUND-GR A 2 SUB-FUND-GROUP A 2 Sub Fund Group attribute Values Field Format Description FG-FS-SUB-SUB-FUND-GR A 2 SUB-SUB-FUND-GROUP A 2 Sub Sub Fund Group attribute FG-FS-SUB-PURP A 2 SUB-FUNCTION A 2 Sub Function attribute FG-FS-RESTR-FG A 1 FG-FS-SETUP-DT N 8.0 FG-FS-PYRL-ACCT-ANALYSIS A 4 FG-FS-TITLE-TO-EQUIP A 40 FG-FS-BOND-ISSUE A 8 FG-ENDOW-DIST (1:5) FG-ENDOW-DIST-ACCT A 10 ENDOW-DIST-ACCT A 10 FG-ENDOW-DIST-PCT N 3.2 ENDOW-DIST-PCT N 3.2 FS-PLEDGED-FG A 1 FS-FOREIGN-TVL-CD A 1 FS-GEN-EXP-BUD-FG A 1 FS-EFFORT-CD A 5 FS-FUND-SRC-COMMENTS A 40 FS-SAL-SAV-ACCT A 10 FS-FAC-SAL-SAV-ACCT A 10 FS-CONSTR-PROJECT-NBR A 10 FS-SPR-PROJECT A 10 FS-ALT-CAMPUS-CD A 2 ALTERNATE-CAMPUS A 2 FS-BILL-REV-OBJ A 4 FS-INDIR-COST-REV-OBJ A 4 FS-INDIR-COST-EXP-OBJ A 4 FS-DELEG-OF-AUTHORITY FS-DELEG-PERSON-ID A 9 (1:5) FS-DELEG-COMMENT A 50 (1:5) FS-INDIR-COST FS-INDIR-COST-BASE A 8 (1:1) FS-INDIR-COST-RATE N 3.2 (1:1) FS-INDIR-COST-DIST A 10 (1:1) FS-PROJ-BUD P 11.2 FS-PROJ-ACT P 11.2 FS-PROJ-ENC P 11.2 FS-PROJ-ABR P 11.2 FA-PROJ-BUD P 11.2 Values Field Format Description FA-PROJ-ACT P 11.2 FA-PROJ-ENC P 11.2 FA-PROJ-ABR P 11.2 FS-FAC-F500-SAV-ACCT A 10 FS-GRAD-F500-SAV-ACCT A 10 FS-TAMRF-ACCT-NBR A 11 TAMRF-ACCOUNT A 11 FG-FS-DEPT-2 A 5 DEPT-2 A 2 Department (secondary) FG-FS-SUB-DEPT-2 A 5 SUB-DEPT-2 A 5 Sub Department (secondary) FG-FS-YY-END-ACCT A 10 FS-GIFT-FEE-EXEMPT-FG A 1 FS-FSA-EXP-BUD-ACCESS A 1 FG-FS-EXEC-LEVEL-2 A 2 EXEC-LEVEL-2 A 2 Executive level attribute (secondary) FG-FS-DIVISION-2 A 2 Division attribute (secondary) DIVISION-2 A 2 FG-FS-SCHOOL-2 A 2 COLLEGE-2 A 2 College attribute (secondary) FS-FSA-REV-BUD-ACCESS A 1 FS-FSA-REV-ACT-ACCESS A 1 FG-FS-SUB-ELEMENT-OF-COST A 2 SUB-EOC A 2 FA-ROLL-BBA-TO-BASE A 1 FS-AUX-CODE A 3 AUXILIARY A 3 FG-ENDOW-DIST-FA-ACCT A 5 (1:5) ENDOW-DIST-FA-ACCT A 5 (1:5) FG-FS-AFR-FUND-GR A 2 AFR-FUND-GROUP A 2 FG-FS-INT-ACCT A 6 FA-INT-ACCT A 5 FG-FS-INT-EXEMPT-FG A 1 FG-FS-INT-EXEMPT-REASON A 2 FA-SAL-SAV-ACCT A 5 FA-FAC-SAL-SAV-ACCT A 5 FA-FAC-F500-SAV-ACCT A 5 FA-GRAD-F500-SAV-ACCT A 5 K:\FA\DOC\WRKNPRCS\Budget\BudgetReportsNF.docx 6/17/2011 1:50 PM